This is Rose, a girl who at first was living with both her parents. She had other 3 siblings and there was harmony. Soon afterwards there was increased level of poverty and things were not going like before. Her mother and father had no permanent jobs either. They used to wake up early and go look for the daily job so as to get something for their kids. Her elder brother was in grade twelve and had no school fees at all. This made him drop in academics. Some days, they had to go without meal or eat once per day just to raise money for her brother’s school fees. Their condition in the rural area was not pleasing and that made them too make a decision of going to Nairobi where her parents thought they could be having something. At that moment things got worse because they did not have a house, neither did they knew anyone. The situation was becoming worse and they had to get a better way of figuring it out. The worse moments to rose was when her parents, especially her mom and her siblings were got sick. It was always like that until one day her dad called her aunt who was at least stable. She promised to take care of Roses’ education and her sisters’ too and advised Roses’ parents to go back to rural area. Her aunt took a step forth and took Rose together with her sister in Children’s Garden for their education. Since then, Rose has always been working hard so as to make her own brand by changing the story of her background. She is now 12 years old and aspires to be a doctor and better her life. She also doesn’t like to see people sick, she says that her mission is to reach the less fortunate and treat them because she does not want others to suffer like their family when diseases strikes them.

Written by: Victoria Khalayi